Once, in a village in Solapur district, there was an expert tailor known for his exceptional skills. Despite his unmatched talent, he struggled to keep up with the demands of his work. One day, a lady from a wealthy family visited his shop to collect her blouse. Seeing him stitching, she became impatient and demanded her blouse immediately.

The tailor, calm and composed, assured her he would finish within half an hour. As she waited, she noticed one of his fingers was missing and inquired about it. He revealed he had once suffered from leprosy but had received treatment and was now completely cured.

However, instead of appreciating his honesty and perseverance, the lady left without collecting her blouse. Worse yet, she spread rumours in the village about the tailor’s past, causing people to avoid his shop. Eventually, he had no choice but to leave the village and start a new in Bombay, where his business thrived.

This story highlights the stigma and discrimination faced by individuals who have overcome leprosy and emphasizes the importance of spreading accurate information about the disease.



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